Salon Series

Eero Saarinen by Jayne Merkel (Cover)
Our Salon Series seeks to continue Mr. Rudolph’s intent for Beekman Place. Always eager to entertain similar and differential viewpoints, he enjoyed the “intellectual ping pong” of lively discussions at his home. Using the domestic-scale environment of the MODULIGHTOR building, we have drawn several intimate crows with authors, scholars and practitioners in the field who offer new viewpoints into the work and period of Mr. Rudolph.
Salons run in three distinct themes:
– Authors on mid-century architects have included Janet Adams Strong on I.M. Pei, Jayne Merkel on Eero Saarinen, Zhongjie-Lin on Kenzo Tange, Eeva-Liisa Pelkonen on Aalto and Carter Wiseman on Louis I. Kahn.
– Architects who worked in Rudolph’s time, or have intervened into his buildings have included Gunnar Birkerts and Jared Della Valle of DBA who renovated Mr. Rudolph’s 23 Beekman Place.
– Scholars with direct working connections to Rudolph – John Morris Dixon discussed Paul Rudolph in the Press and R.D. Chin, a former employee talked about life in the office and his work. Both talks provided direct insight into experiences with Rudolph the Man.
The Foundation seeks to continue these homespun events with more original viewpoints in the coming months. For more information about the Salon Series, please contact information@paulrudolph.org, or check back to our events page regularly.
Books presented in Salon Series:
I.M. Pei: The Complete Works by Janet Adams Strong
Louis Kahn’s Jewish Architecture by Susan Soloman
Eero Saarinen by Jayne Merkel
Louis I Kahn: Beyond Time and Style by Carter Wiseman
Alvar Aalto: Architecture, Modernity, and Geopolitics by Eeva Lisa Pelkonen
Kenzo Tange and the Metabolist Movement by Zhongjie Lin